Evedo Bites #19

Emiliya Strahilova
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2021


How’s Halloween preparation going? Have you picked your scary costume yet?

By the way, the most horrifying signs of All Saints’ Eve have actually positive meanings. “Witch” comes from wisdom, the spider is a benevolent creature symbolizing progress and faith, and ghosts are believed to be humans’ helpers. So, if someone ever calls you any of these things, be proud!

Now let’s jump into a spooky events and crypto updates session!

Trendy Last Two Weeks

Amsterdam had a lively day-fun week while somewhere else in a parallel universe a new crypto card game was being incepted. The riddle is: how can vaccination, which is required for attending events such as ADE, be connected to blockchain?

“There is something about autumn and Halloween that brings out the arts and crafts in people. If you’re the type to make your own Halloween decorations and DIY costumes, why not craft some old-fashioned paper invitations too? With the event being virtual, a homemade invitation card could provide the extra personality you might be looking for.”

The Bash

👉 Need recipes? Here’s how to make a blasting homemade Halloween party!

👉 What’s a very tasty Halloween? Find out with Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart's cooking competition.

👉 If you’re lucky to be in Miami at this time of the year, have a wicked trick or treat night.

👉 London’s never falling short! Check out this full list of spine-chilling celebration possibilities.

The Business

This autumn is fantastic for buying, selling, promoting, and winning!

NFTs auction, Photo credit: www.artshub.com.au

Evedo Lately

Evedo’s founder Stoyan Angelov flew all the way to Dubai and took part in the Dubai Blockchain Week opening event. While he was doing that, we kicked off Plentix’s interview series The Story After.

Follow our ticketing platform Plentix everywhere for updates and events!

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Join Evedo on our channels and keep up with the latest news and tricks from the event industry!

Website: www.evedo.co

Email: info@evedo.co

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